Episode 14 of the Pleasure Doing Business podcast, powered by Teed Saunders Doyle. Conversation with Allan Gates, Partner and Strategy Lead at Bonfire, a marketing and communications agency in Saint John, New Brunswick. Allan is also the founder of Huddle.Today, an online business news website that tells the stories of the creative, innovative and interesting entrepreneurs working in New Brunswick and throughout the Maritimes.
Allan is a veteran marketing and communications strategist who moonlights as a university business lecturer. He’s obsessed with the point where culture, technology and marketing intersect. He is tremendously articulate the ways in which marketing and communications strategy helps business grow.
Andrew Logan joins in as guest host with Andy Clark. We had lots of fun on this podcast.
Topics covered in this wide-ranging conversation:
- Why NB companies aren’t great at marketing themselves
- What is digital marketing, and how do you get started doing it?
- What digital marketing platforms should you use?
- How many cups of coffee Andrew Logan drinks during tax season?
- Should media platforms be forced to restrict certain content?
- How to avoid “vanity metrics” for your marketing
- The importance of psychographics in marketing
- What makes a good website
- The best place to hide a body on the internet
- The importance of a clear call to action in your marketing
- Is the Cunard Restaurant really open after the game?
- The #1 marketing tactic in 2019
- And lots more…
Quotable: “We work with you to understand what makes you special and how do we tell that story to your customer in a way that makes the cash register ring.” – Allan Gates
Featured Craft Beer: Three Sisters Pale Ale (Loyalist City Brewing Co.)